Skelly Oil Company’s Service Station, 300 North Rubey Street, northeast corner of Rubey and Butler Streets, looking east, circa 1920s. Those known to operate this station are G.H. Andrews in 1946, Lester M. Smith in 1949; and J.R. Harris beginning in the 1960s. Photo courtesy of Hutton-McElwain Funeral Home.

Skelly Oil Company’s Service Station, northeast corner of Rubey and Butler Streets, looking north, circa 1920s. This station was later operated by Lester Smith in the 1940s and 1950s; and by J.R. Harris beginning in the 1960s.

Lester Smith’s Skelly Service Station, northeast corner of Rubey and Butler Streets, looking northeast, circa 1940s. Standing from left to right is Freddie Cooper, Vick Squires, Lester Smith, Junior DeVore and an unknown attendant. Photo courtesy of Pat Bonuchi.

J.R. Harris, owner and operator of the Harris Downtown Skelly Service Station, 300 North Rubey Street, circa 1965. Photo courtesy of Hutton-McElwain Funeral Home.