Rutherford & Bourke, Macon, Missouri

Elm Tree Filling Station advertising “Better Gasoline” and “Magic Oils,” Macon, MO, circa 1920s.

Elm Tree Filling Station advertising “Better Gasoline” and “Magic Oils,” northwest corner of Rutherford and Bourke Streets, circa 1920s.  This location was later occupied by Alphus T. Richmond’s Shell Filling Station and Tire Shop.





Alphus T. Richmond’s Tire Shop and Shell Filling Station, northwest corner of Rutherford and Bourke Streets, circa 1940s.  Richmond was Macon’s Chief of Police for many years. Photo courtesy of Pat Bonuchi.


Macon Chronicle-Herald, Apr 30, 1946

Advertisement courtesy of Merlyn Amidei


Macon Chronicle-Herald, Oct 28, 1946

Advertisement courtesy of Merlyn Amidei


Macon Chronicle-Herald, Feb 19, 1949

Advertisement courtesy of Merlyn Amidei

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