354 Front St N, Issaquah, WA
Nice restored Shell station in Washington State. Photograph by Mark ManWeiler
Nice restored Shell station in Washington State. Photograph by Mark ManWeiler
Soulsby Shell Station. Pictures by Marvin Van Wyck See https://www.nps.gov/nr/travel/route66/soulsby_service_station_mt_olive.html
Great old Butler pre-fab gas station. Built in 1939 as a Cities Service station, ended it’s career as a Shell Station. Like many stations it went on to be used as a Snowmobile repair shop in the late 70’s and was then L&R Motors car dealership in the 80’s and …
Sinclair, Shell and Diamond Service Stations, US Highway 36 near the Bevier junction of Missouri State Highways C and O, looking east, unused postcard photo, Bevier, Missouri, circa 1930s. From left to right is the Sinclair Service Station on the north side of the highway, the Palastino Shell Station and …
Imler Shell Station on US Highway 36, Anabel, Missouri, circa 1940. Photo courtesy of Oreta Imler and the Macon Chronicle-Herald.
Gardner and Tinsley Shell Filling Station, added to the National Register of Historic Places April 25th, 2002 as building number 02000408, junction of US Highway 36 and Missouri State Highway A (now 149), looking east, New Cambria, Missouri, March 4, 1949. The building is well traveled. First having been been …
Macon water tower base (northeast corner of West Malone and South Allen Streets) in the foreground and the Carey-McMillin Oil Company’s building and tanks in the background, northeast corner of West Malone Street and the Wabash Railroad tracks, circa 1965. Photo courtesy of the Macon County Historical Society and the …
Filling Station, northeast corner of US Highway 36-63 junction, circa 1930s. This location was later occupied by other service stations. Shell Station, northeast corner of US Highway 36-63 junction, circa 1960s.
Sutton Shell Service Station, northwest corner of Butler and Rubey Streets, circa 1955. This property was owned by Carey-McMillin Oil Company and leased to a variety of operators including Sutton (shown) in the early to mid-1950s, Devore & Waller in the late 1950s, and Bruce “Buster” Bowman in the 1970s. …
Bowzer’s Sinclair Service Station, southeast corner of West Union and North Wentz Streets, looking north, 1940. This location was later occupied by Pete Collins Service Station, Leo Snores Shell Station, and Walter Slover’s Shell Service Station. Photo courtesy of Daisy Tabor Slover Shell Service Station, Walter Slover, Sr. …