W Malone & Wabash Tracks, Macon, MO

Carey-McMillin Oil Company’s building and tanks, circa 1965.

Macon water tower base (northeast corner of West Malone and South Allen Streets) in the foreground and the Carey-McMillin Oil Company’s building and tanks in the background, northeast corner of West Malone Street and the Wabash Railroad tracks, circa 1965.  Photo courtesy of the Macon County Historical Society and the Macon Public Library.

Carey-McMillin Oil Company’s building, tanks and truck, circa 1960.

Carey-McMillin Oil Company’s building, tanks and truck, northeast corner of West Malone Street and the Wabash Railroad tracks (seen in the foreground), looking northeast, circa 1960.  Carey-McMillin Oil Company distributed Shell Oil Company products and owned several of the Shell stations they leased to operators. Photo courtesy of Macon County Historical Society and the Macon Public Library.


Macon Chronicle-Herald, Aug 21, 1933

Advertisement courtesy of Merlyn Amidei

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