SE W Union & N Wentz, Macon, MO

Bowzer’s Sinclair Service Station, Macon, MO, 1940.


Bowzer’s Sinclair Service Station, southeast corner of West Union and North Wentz Streets, looking north, 1940.  This location was later occupied by Pete Collins Service Station, Leo Snores Shell Station, and Walter Slover’s Shell Service Station.   Photo courtesy of Daisy Tabor


Slover Shell Service Station, Walter Slover, Sr. lessee, Macon, MO, circa early 1960s.

Slover Shell Service Station, Walter Slover, Sr. lessee, southeast corner of West Union and North Wentz Streets, circa early 1960s.  In the 1950s, this had been the Pete Collins Service Station and the Leo Snores Shell Service.  Walt and June Slover leased the station from Carey-McMillin Oil Company in 1960 and provided the quintessential full service experience.  The couple previously operated the Silver Dome service station from about 1952 until the pumps were removed in 1956, then Walt worked as an auto mechanic for Walls Motor Company’s Studebaker Dealership until 1960.  Photo courtesy of Walter Slover, Jr.

Slover Shell Service Station, Walter Slover, Sr. lessee, Macon, MO, circa early 1960s.

Slover Shell Service Station, Walter Slover, Sr. lessee, southeast corner of West Union and North Wentz Streets, circa early 1960s.  Walt’s daughter, Brenda, is in the top photo standing by the right pump and his wife, June, is sitting in by the 1950 Studebaker Champion.  In the 1950s, this had been the Pete Collins Service Station and the Leo Snores Shell Service.  Walt and June Slover leased the station from Carey-McMillin Oil Company in 1960 and provided the quintessential full service experience.  The couple previously operated the Silver Dome service station from about 1952 until the pumps were removed in 1956, then Walt worked as an auto mechanic for Walls Motor Company’s Studebaker Dealership until 1960.  Photo courtesy of Walter Slover, Jr.

Slover Shell Station, Macon, MO, circa 1980.


Slover Shell Station, southeast corner of West Union and North Wentz Streets, circa 1980.  The old station was razed and a new building was attached to the original garage in the mid-1960s.  Walter and June retired in 1983.  Photo courtesy of Walter Slover, Jr.

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