Truman Edward Bowzer Oil Company’s South Service Station and Café with Irene Bowzer and her daughter, Sandra, in front; built in 1941; southeast corner of US Highway 63 and Missouri State Highway PP (now 1301 South Missouri Street); looking northeast; early 1950s. Photo courtesy of Darlene Bowzer Meisner.

Bowzer Oil Company’s South Service Station and Café built in 1941, corner of US Highway 63 and Missouri State Highway PP (now 1301 South Missouri Street), looking east, early 1950s. Photo courtesy of Bonnie Bowzer.

Derby Truck Stop, service station and café; southeast corner of US Highway 63 and Missouri State Highway PP (now 1301 South Missouri Street); looking north; 1955. Jim Arnold was the station lessee when this photo was taken. This station was built by the T.E. Bowzer Oil Company in 1941 who also built and owned several other stations in town. A Shell Filling Station and Café that later became the Cities Service Station and Café is seen on the far left in the distance.
Derby Truck Stop, service station and café; southeast corner of US Highway 63 and Missouri State Highway PP (now 1301 South Missouri Street); looking south; October 23, 1961. Jim Arnold was the station lessee when this photo was taken. This station was built by the T.E. Bowzer Oil Company in 1941 that also built and owned several other stations in town. Currently this building is part of the Macon Skate Center.
compressed_cropped_clipping_9657206BowzerMacon Chronicle-Herald, Feb 19, 1949
Advertisement courtesy of Merlyn Amidei