The city of Macon is a mid-Missouri town located at the intersection of highways 36 and 63. Established in 1856, Macon is a agricultural community with a population of 5500.
The majority of the photos for the Macon portion of are part of Billy Franke’s Photographic collection published in “Macon and Macon County Photographic History (Vol. 1 & 2)” available for purchase from the Macon County Historical Society 660-395-0266, 660-346-7780 or 660-346-1455
The Macon County Historical Society was incorporated on May 26, 1937. It was formed to collect, preserve, and arrange historical, religious, scientific, and educational material
relative to the beginning, growth, and development of Macon County Missouri,
and to establish a repository or library to make available such information to
the citizens of Macon County. The Macon County Historical Society is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Donations to the Society are tax-deductible.
Special thanks to Merlyn Amidei and John Dennis of the Macon County Historical Society for their invaluable assistance in providing photographs and captions for this portion of
Unless otherwise noted, all photographs are © 2017 Macon County Historical Society, Macon, Missouri – all rights reserved.
- 100 Block E. Bourke, Macon, MO
- 100 Block Oak St., Macon, MO
- 101 Pearl, Macon, MO
- 1108 S Missouri, Macon, MO
- 1405 N Missouri, Macon, MO
- 1607 N Missouri, Macon, MO
- 200 E Bourke, Macon, MO
- 211 N Rollins, Macon, MO
- 213 N Rollins, Macon, MO
- 300 N Rubey, Macon, MO
- 315 W Bourke, Macon, MO
- 500 S Missouri, Macon, MO
- 504 E Briggs Dr, Macon, MO
- 54 S Rollins, Macon, MO
- Butler & Rollins, Macon, MO
- Butler & Rubey, Macon, MO
- N Rubey & Bourke, Macon, MO
- NE corner of Vine & Rutherford, Macon, MO
- NE corner of Vine & US-63, Macon, MO
- NW Vine & Rutherford, Macon, MO
- NW Vine & US-63, Macon, MO
- Oak & Pearl, Macon, MO
- Oak & Wabash Railroad, Macon, MO
- Oak St (~120 Oak), Macon, MO
- Rollins & Butler, Macon, MO
- Rutherford & Bourke, Macon, Missouri
- S Rubey St & Vine, Macon, MO
- SE Vine & US 63, Macon, MO
- SE W Union & N Wentz, Macon, MO
- SW Vine & US 63, Macon, MO
- US 36 – US 63 (NE), Macon, MO
- US 36 – US 63 (NW), Macon, MO
- US 36 – US 63 (SE) Dealership, Macon, MO
- US 36 – US 63 (SE), Macon, MO
- US 36 west of Macon, Macon, MO
- US 36 West, Macon, MO
- US 63 & Jackson & McKay, Macon, MO
- US Highway 63 & State Highway PP, Macon, MO
- US-36 & US-63, Macon, MO
- W Malone & S Wentz, Macon, MO
- W Malone & Wabash Tracks, Macon, MO